Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Jurassic Park

I love the first Jurassic Park movies! Looking at interesting shots from these movies inspires me to go back and watch all of them in sequence. This shot is interesting because it captures the fear. The close up of just the dinosaurs foot compares how small the people are in the distance. The foot is larger than both people combined. This shot captures the power behind the T-Rex very carefully. We can see the detail in the monstrous slimy foot.  As viewers we can feel panicked for the characters. The dark and muddy night enhances the fear as well. I personally thought that the older movies were much more thrilling and scary compared to the newest film.



I chose this camera shot from the film Tsotsi to represent emotion through sound. During this part of the film the baby becomes irritable and upset. The poor child is covered in ants and filth. Tsotsi scrambles to comfort the child by playing party music known as Kwaito. Frustrated and uncomfortable, Tsosti tries to sooth the child this way. The loud music is very alarming and definitely not the way you would want to comfort a child. He grows more frustrated when the child doesn't respond to his strategy. This scene is interesting because it conveys this troubled young mans sense of attempting compassion. It's thought provoking to consider  Tsosti's childhood and how he was neglected. In an estranged sense he seems to be caring for the child because of his poor childhood.

Monday, October 12, 2015

What an old school lap dissolve from the Wizard of Oz! The camera dissolves out from Dorothy clicking her heels together chanting " There's no place like home",  to all of her experiences in the land of Oz.  Dorothy's face is frozen as the scenes switch behind her transparent face. This is a great way to show previous thoughts or experiences in film. I think we sometimes forget about classics like these! The saying still holds true... there really is no place like home :)

After watching the film, The Whale Rider, I feel very emotional and thoughtful.  I analyzed this film with a historical framework in mind. After learning some important facts about the Maori culture, I was able to better understand the characters and customs in the film. The main character in the film; Paikea, is named after a humpback whale. This whale was believed to have arrived on the island with the Maori's ancestors. The Maori culture values family, story telling, spirits, and many other customs. With these understandings in mind, I was able to connect better with the film. While watching I was able to see these traditions carried out and understood why. When Paikea was born her grandfather was disappointed because she was not a boy. In fact, her brother died in child birth; the potential new leader of the tribe. In the film Paikea ended up being the leader of the tribe; which is not a present day practice to have a women be a leader. This is very powerful and shows a glimmer of hope for this struggling tribe. By the end of the movie you find yourself extremely curious to know even more about Maori history.

Monday, October 5, 2015

Interesting Camera Angle

I know this is totally cliche of me but who doesn't need some Leonardo DiCaprio on a Monday?! I will forever love this scene of Jack and Rose on the tip of the titanic. After watching The Road Home, I was hooked on sappy love movies this weekend. This scene from the Titanic shows a birds eye view of the young couple looking out into the ocean. The camera is positioned above the lovers and shows the quick pace of the water underneath them. This angle seems to represent a sense of danger and uncertainty. They gaze into the open ocean unsure of their future, but certain of their love in that moment. Jack and Rose look inseparable in this shot. We all know their fate, but this shot allows us to see their faith for one another as they look into the distance.

The Road Home

I really enjoyed the love story in the film The Road Home. I chose this scene because it shows the excitement and curiosity of young love. The girl, Di, has just made eye contact with the new teacher from the city. The camera pans across the teacher, then on Di. This shot was fast paced and gave you a quick glimpse of what the future might entail. It seemed like foreshadowing in a sense. This GIF also represents innocence in Di. She is head over heels about making eye contact with the man and runs away with enthusiasm as her braids swing up and down. This scene also shows Di wearing the red jacket, which we find out is symbolic to their love later in the movie. This upbeat shot really creates a sense of hope and excitement for the young characters.