Monday, October 12, 2015

After watching the film, The Whale Rider, I feel very emotional and thoughtful.  I analyzed this film with a historical framework in mind. After learning some important facts about the Maori culture, I was able to better understand the characters and customs in the film. The main character in the film; Paikea, is named after a humpback whale. This whale was believed to have arrived on the island with the Maori's ancestors. The Maori culture values family, story telling, spirits, and many other customs. With these understandings in mind, I was able to connect better with the film. While watching I was able to see these traditions carried out and understood why. When Paikea was born her grandfather was disappointed because she was not a boy. In fact, her brother died in child birth; the potential new leader of the tribe. In the film Paikea ended up being the leader of the tribe; which is not a present day practice to have a women be a leader. This is very powerful and shows a glimmer of hope for this struggling tribe. By the end of the movie you find yourself extremely curious to know even more about Maori history.

1 comment:

  1. Excellent post. You're demonstrating good engagement with the film on a variety of levels: from a personal reader-response perspective, and through the cultural/historical framework.
