Monday, October 5, 2015

The Road Home

I really enjoyed the love story in the film The Road Home. I chose this scene because it shows the excitement and curiosity of young love. The girl, Di, has just made eye contact with the new teacher from the city. The camera pans across the teacher, then on Di. This shot was fast paced and gave you a quick glimpse of what the future might entail. It seemed like foreshadowing in a sense. This GIF also represents innocence in Di. She is head over heels about making eye contact with the man and runs away with enthusiasm as her braids swing up and down. This scene also shows Di wearing the red jacket, which we find out is symbolic to their love later in the movie. This upbeat shot really creates a sense of hope and excitement for the young characters.


  1. I could watch this gif all day. A great choice.

  2. HA.HA! I thought the same thing!!!


  3. This was such a beautiful love story movie and your GIF is fantastic! I love how you captured innocence and love all at once.

  4. This was such a beautiful love story movie and your GIF is fantastic! I love how you captured innocence and love all at once.
