Tuesday, November 10, 2015


This scene from the film, "Water", shows Kalyani and Narayan sitting by open water. Water in this film symbolizes many different values for the Indian Culture. I viewed the aspect water throughout this film through a spiritual/mindful perspective. Specifically, for Kalyani's and Narayan's potential new life. This image captures the distance between them emotionally. Kalyani struggles with her faith and what she wants in life. Marriage to Narayan would be frowned upon, but she considers in anyways. Kalyani, being a widow is seen as a burden to society. There is one part in the film that shows the two in the river floating and discussing their potential new life together ( which Kalyani is hesitant about). The river serves as a place of peacefulness/mindfulness. The river also separates the isolated widows from the rest of society, which we find is also corrupt. The water is the only sense of peace we receive from this difficult life widows endure. It serves as a sense of hope, longing, wonder, and love. We see later in the film that Kalyani finds the water as an escape. She knows that she cannot marry Narayan, and does not want to live a life of sadness. Her death again symbolizes a sense of peace, and reassures the viewer that she will be at rest.

Looking at this film through a feministic framework we can analyze the gender roles between men and women in India. Men are viewed more highly of in this culture, and women seen as beneath. Women are seen as "items" rather than people when their husbands die. The image of the couple above is a clear portrayal of these genders.

1 comment:

  1. This is a beautiful post. I like your reflection on the many meanings of water in the movie. You provide excellent examples of water imagery as well. The feminist perspective fits this movie very well! Mimi
